Auto-Online-Service GmbH was established in 2000 and is now in the automobile trade field the leading service provider in marketing its vehicles perfectly and successfully through the Internet. No any other service provider reviews in conscientious and professional way the vehicles data directly from the vehicle itself as AoS24! The unique data guarantee ensures safety and avoids complaints!
In addition to the professional photo service, AoS24 is offering a wide range of useful tools in the page in order to considerably facilitate merchandising:
- Easy-Dialog Technology EDT is the unique language tool, which offers prior purchasing in 18 languages the exchange of information between buyer and seller. (Please do not confuse with the multilingual presentation of the vehicle?s offer!). EDT was awarded the innovation award for used car Business 2007!
Automatic price comparison of the own offer and similar competitive offers in the leading stock markets like mobile.de and Autoscout24
- Easy Mail Manager EMM with automatic reply function and distribution of sellers
- Easy-Focus for an individual appearance in the stock markets
- Automatic dispatch of CI-fair price tags to a defined group of recipients after each price change
- Printing and dispatching center with multilingual expose, flyers, vehicle lists, etc.
- At AOS360 we provide customers with 3D view for the autos through 360 degree photos and panoramic internal view.
- With AOS XL you can view and download high quality autos photos with higher resolution than supported in most other portals.
Subsidiaries of Daimler AG, Citroen and Peugeot in Germany, major retail chains such as Feser and Raffay, SUG, Senger and many more trust in AoS24 for years